Continuing Professional Development
At the Whittington we are committed to Continuing Professional Development. We believe that life long learning helps to meet the requirements of those people needing the NHS.
At the Whittington we provide continuing professional development that is:
At the Whittington we provide continuing professional development that is:
- Purposeful and patient centred
- Targeted at identified educational need
- Educationally effective
- Part of a wider organisational development plan in support of local and national service objectives
- Focused on the development needs of clinical teams, across traditional professional and service boundaries
- Designed to build on previous knowledge, skills and experience
- Designed to enhance the skills of interpreting and applying knowledge based on research and development.
- Continuing professional development is available for all practitioners and the modes of delivery are variable and flexible. This allows you to develop your individual career pathway with support from the Trust.
Specialist Roles To Support
The Trust has a number of roles with a specific remit for education. An Assistant Director of Education oversees the provision of education to all staff, with the exception of doctors in training who are supported by the Director of Postgraduate Medical Education. There are a number of practice development nurses and midwives, whose role is to contribute to the development of skills amongst nurses and midwives in clinical areas. For postgraduate medical education there is also a network of highly experienced educational supervisors.
We’ll support you in meeting your PREP requirements
To be part of the Continuing Professional Development Framework and maintain NMC Registration, all registered Nurses and Midwives are required to undertake a minimum of 35 hours of learning activity during each three-year registration period, irrespective of the number of qualifications they possess. When practitioners do not comply with the above CPD standard and the maintenance of a personal professional profile, they will be considered to have allowed their own registration to lapse. We encourage our staff at the Whittington to record all learning in a personal professional portfolio provided by the Trust. This enables staff to demonstrate to the NMC all learning activities that have been undertaken.
We’ll support you in meeting your PREP requirements
To be part of the Continuing Professional Development Framework and maintain NMC Registration, all registered Nurses and Midwives are required to undertake a minimum of 35 hours of learning activity during each three-year registration period, irrespective of the number of qualifications they possess. When practitioners do not comply with the above CPD standard and the maintenance of a personal professional profile, they will be considered to have allowed their own registration to lapse. We encourage our staff at the Whittington to record all learning in a personal professional portfolio provided by the Trust. This enables staff to demonstrate to the NMC all learning activities that have been undertaken.
In-Service Clinical Education and Training Programme
Personal development planning is actively encouraged by the Trust and once a plan has been agreed staff may commence on an education programme. We provide development programmes for all our staff nurses and sisters along with a range of individual clinically focused study days such as Advanced life support, intravenous Cannulation, Stroke management, discharge planning, to name but a few. The list is endless. These study days meet individual’s development needs and importantly provide resources to deliver high standards of patient care. Our human resources department also runs a range of study days from interviewing skills to assertiveness training.
Links with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
We have close links with two major Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Middlesex University and University College London. Middlesex University provide pre and post registration-training opportunities for nurses and midwives, along with post registration opportunities. The post registration opportunities are wide and varied, there is access to a full clinical course e.g. intensive care or A&E nursing. There may be times when it is not necessary for you to undertake a full clinical course. However, a specific module or modules may be pertinent to your practice. In this situation, you could undertake the module(s) and on successful completion be credited with the relevant number of academic credits.
And of course there are other ways to further your development, which we encourage.
And of course there are other ways to further your development, which we encourage.
Attendance At Conferences
A large number of conferences are regularly organised across a wide variety of venues throughout the country. Conferences serve several purposes; they give you the opportunity to:
- Keep up to date with ongoing developments within your own specialist area.
- Share knowledge and new skills
- Network with colleagues from similar backgrounds.
Informal Learning
This can be extremely helpful and informative and take many forms e.g. reading books, relevant journals, observing others at work and attending meetings. All clinical areas have access to the internet and all members of staff have access to the local Trust and university library resources.
Learning Within The Workplace
This can be done through a variety of methods including, clinical supervision, Mentorship, critical incident analysis and peer review, to name but a few.
Last updated28 Jan 2016