The Whittington promotes healthy living by introducing bike hire scheme

Yi Mien Koh and Mark Antwis
Whittington Health has teamed up with Brompton Dock to launch the first Brompton-NHS folding bicycle hire scheme.

A permanent bicycle dock has been installed outside the Whittington Hospital and was officially launched on Thursday 28 March. The scheme will make 20 folding bikes available to staff, visitors and local residents, and will help promote good health and wellbeing to local people, which is one of Whittington Health’s five goals.

The Whittington’s chief executive, Dr Yi Mien Koh, officially launched the Dock alongside the Director of Estates and Facilities, Phil Ient, and Brompton Dock’s Managing Director, Mark Antwis. The launch took place as part of Whittington Health’s participation in NHS Sustainability Day.

Whittington Health’s Director of Estates and Facilities, Phil Ient said: “We are committed to improving the health and wellbeing of local people and we hope this new initiative will go some way in promoting healthier choices.

“By introducing the bicycle dock, Whittington Health is highlighting the link between healthy lifestyles and sustainable living for NHS Sustainability Day. We are delighted that the Brompton Dock has been launched as part of the celebrations, providing our staff and the local community with a healthy, affordable and sustainable means of transport.”

Managing Director of Brompton Dock, Mark Antwis said: “We are thrilled to have launched a dock in partnership with an NHS trust. We expect it to do very well in this hospital location as it is perfectly situated at the heart of the community. Staff at the hospital will be able to use it to get to work while local residents and visitors will also be able to take advantage of this prominent location, only minutes from Archway tube station.”

Members of the scheme have to register online at and pay an annual membership fee. They can then hire a bike by text message or reserve a bike or empty bay online. The folding nature of the bikes means that they can be taken into the home or office and on public transport, even at peak times. Members can keep the bikes for as long as they like, from hours to weeks at a time.
28 March 2013
Last updated28 Mar 2013
Working on it!