Join us as we Put Care for Older People in the Spotlight

Join us as we Put Care for Older People in the Spotlight

24 Sep 2019

Everyone is invited to the second annual Older People’s Celebration day being organised by Whittington Health NHS Trust on 1st October 2019. The event will take place on International Day of Older Persons, a UN initiative intended to draw attention to the particular needs and challenges faced by many older people and the essential contribution that older people make to the functioning of society.

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Building on the success of a similar event organised last year, the Older People’s Celebration day will draw together colleagues from across Whittington Health NHS Trust and Social Care services as well as representatives from charities such as Age Concern and Alzheimer’s Society. The organisers are also encouraging older people and those who care or have cared for older people to come along to the event to share their experiences and perspectives.
Across the globe almost 700 million people are now over the age of 60. By 2050, 2 billion people, over 20% of the world’s population, will be 60 or older. The latest census data shows that in Islington there are over 21,000 people 65 or over. In Camden the figures show there are over 30,400 people aged 65 or over. As a whole, there are over 1,057,000 over 65’s across Greater London.
The theme for this year’s event is Health and Wellbeing, across the day this will be explored through three steams covering:
  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Maintaining function
  • Social prescribing
The aim of the day is that by bringing together many of the people and services involved in supporting older people that more older people across Islington, Haringey and beyond will get the services and support they need to live even longer, healthier lives.
Speaking about the event, Paula Almeida Clinical Nurse Specialist for older people at Whittington Health and one of the organisers of the event said: “As a trust we already provide many older people with integrated care at home and if they need it in our hospital, on International Day of Older Persons we want to take that even further by inviting anyone with an interest in providing high quality, joined up holistic care to older people across Islington, Haringey and beyond to come along and focus on the topic.
“There will be something for everyone who attends including networking with a number of local voluntary and support groups over lunch, the chance to try out yoga and a special visit from our Pet Therapy Dog!”.
Sessions will include talks on overcoming depression & social isolation, local initiatives on Social Prescribing and, as the leaves begin to drop, a session focused on Winter Wellbeing from Juliet McNelly of North London Cares.
The day will take place on Tuesday 1 October, 9am – 4pm at the Whittington Education Centre which is located on the Whittington Hospital site, Magdala Avenue, London N19 5NF.
A full programme for the day is available on the event’s registration page. Those who do not have access to the internet can just show up on the day and register.

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