Who is this year’s Whittington Health Unsung Hero?

22 Apr 2024
Full story
The annual Whittington Health staff awards are back for 2024, marking another opportunity for us to celebrate excellence across our organisation.
These awards are a way to spotlight and honour our incredible colleagues – and there’s an award that patients can nominate staff for!
If you have come across an Unsung Hero, this is your chance to shine a light on their contributions to healthcare and, in particular, your care. This should be way beyond what would usually be expected of someone in that role and it’s likely to have gone unnoticed by others. And remember that the more detail/evidence you can give us in the application, the more likely the nominee is to win the award!
The QR code on the image will take you to the nomination form, or you can reach it directly by clicking here.
Nominations close at 5pm, Friday 3 May
We will be announcing the winner in July, and the additional categories open for staff nominations are:
• Innovation or improvement of the year – Team award (in association with Artelia) and individual award
• Paula Mattin Emerging Leader Award
• Annabelle Lake Administrator of the year
• Commitment to Excellence in a Clinical Role Award – Team or individual
• Commitment to Excellence in a Non-Clinical Role Award – Team or individual
• Outstanding Contribution to Ensuring Equity
• Outstanding Contribution to Ensuring Compassion
The link above can also be used for staff nominations.