New web resources launch this International Adolescent Health Week

IAHW logo and tree of life

11 Oct 2024

This International Adolescent Health Week, visit our new web area about moving from child to adult services

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This week is International Adolescent Health Week (IAHW). IAHW is a grass-roots initiative for young people, their health care providers, their teachers, their parents, their advocates and their communities to come together to celebrate young people and improve the health and wellbeing of the over 1 billion adolescents across the globe today.

To mark IAHW this year, we are piloting the ‘Ready Steady Go’ Transition Programme at Whittington Health. 'Ready Steady Go' is designed to help young people with the transition to adult age services. Aimed at children and young people aged 14 years and over who have a long-term health condition and are likely to require ongoing support from adult services throughout their lifetime, it helps young people and their families prepare, plan and move from children's to adult services.

We are also launching a new section of our website about moving to adult health services when you turn 18 (often called ‘Healthcare transition’).
We know it can be difficult for some families to break contact with children’s services once the move to adult services has happened, so we want to give you all the info you need to make the change. The new website section includes overall information on healthcare transition, as well as:
  • Consent, Decisions and Your Rights
  • Preparing for Clinic Appointments
  • Supporting your Mental Health
  • Using the Right Service
  • Lifestyle, including online safety, drugs and alcohol, gambling and sexual health
  • Making a GP appointment
  • Finding an NHS Dentist
  • and more…
We have created posters showing a ‘Tree of life’ that has links to many of the pages on our new website area that will be displayed in relevant wards and areas of our Trust.

Visit the new section on our website:

We’d love to hear how about your experience of transitioning into adult health care. What was good? What can we do to improve? To share your ideas, please email us via

Read more about IAHW on their website:

IAHW tree of life

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