Islington Community Neuro-Rehabilitation Team (ICRT)

Main Address
- Islington Community Neuro-Rehabilitation Team
Islington Outlook
133 St Johns Way
London N19 3RQ - 020 7527 1501
We are a community based multidisciplinary service that is highly committed to providing specialist neuro-rehabilitation for the adult residents of Islington.
We promote independence whilst maximising safety and managing risk. We aim to minimise impairment, while enhancing activity, participation, wellbeing and quality of life, striving to be responsive and accessible in providing high quality integrated client centred services. We agree therapy goals with people and work towards these over a period of time.
Who we see
We see residents of Islington who are over 18 and have therapy needs as a result of a neurological diagnosis or complex physical disability. This includes people with a diagnosis of stroke, parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, brain injury, motor neurone disease, cerebral palsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, brain tumours and other neurological problems. This includes Early Supported Discharge from local hospitals after acute stroke.
We see residents of Islington who are over 18 and have therapy needs as a result of a neurological diagnosis or complex physical disability. This includes people with a diagnosis of stroke, parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, brain injury, motor neurone disease, cerebral palsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, brain tumours and other neurological problems. This includes Early Supported Discharge from local hospitals after acute stroke.
Please note that this service is for people in Islington. If you live in Haringey, see the Integrated Community Therapy Team (ICTT) (Haringey) page.
Where we see
At home, at the Outlook Centre, in residential homes and in community locations.
Where we see
At home, at the Outlook Centre, in residential homes and in community locations.
The ICRT Team
People may be seen by one or several members of the team. The team will refer people on to other health, social and voluntary services as needed. This may include group exercise classes, day centres and other community groups. The ICRT comprises:
People may be seen by one or several members of the team. The team will refer people on to other health, social and voluntary services as needed. This may include group exercise classes, day centres and other community groups. The ICRT comprises:
Occupational Therapists help people to cope with daily activities (occupations) including washing and dressing, domestic tasks, hobbies and rehabilitating clients back to work. ‘Occupation’ refers to any practical and purposeful activities that allow people to live independently and have a sense of identity.
Physiotherapists help people with their movement, strength and mobility.
Speech and language therapists help with people’s communication and swallowing issues.
Neuropsychologists work with people to manage the psychological impact of having a neurological diagnosis, promote emotional wellbeing and assess thinking skills.
Our Multiple Sclerosis Nurse works alongside clients with a Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis to help them manage their condition by exploring medication and symptom control options and co-ordinating care with GPs and Consultants.
Our team Social Worker works with people being discharged from inpatient neuro-rehabilitation units to resolve social issues such as care needs and accommodation.
Rehabilitation assistants work with our therapists to carry out therapy programmes and practice day to day tasks like accessing the community and taking part in leisure activities.
Our Administration team work during office hours to deal with answering any queries and helping team members carry out clerical duties.
General Enquiries
020 7527 1501
020 7527 1501
Useful resources
Further Information
Mobility assessments
This team also provides a service on behalf of Islington Council in the assessment for Blue Badges and Freedom Passes. Applications for this can only be made directly to Islington Council. Further information here.
This team also provides a service on behalf of Islington Council in the assessment for Blue Badges and Freedom Passes. Applications for this can only be made directly to Islington Council. Further information here.
Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm
Referrals can be made by healthcare or social care professionals. If you intend to refer a client to our service please ensure you complete every section of this form with as much detail as possible. This will help the team highlight an appropriate assessment pathway.
Locations See on a map
Related documents
Last updated13 May 2021