Women's Health Services
Main Address
- Clinic 4C
Whittington Hospital
Magdala Avenue - London N19 5NF
- whh-tr.womenshealthadmin@nhs.net
Whittington Health provides a range of special interest clinics for women.
Most services are delivered in the women's health outpatient clinic. Patients requiring surgery are treated in the day surgery unit and main theatres.
The hospital is a designated gynaecological cancer unit. We have specialist diagnostic, assessment and treatment services to which all women with potential or suspected gynaecological cancers are referred.
Range of services
Women’s Health outpatient clinics take place in clinic 4C (Level 4 Diagnostic block) and the Women's Diagnostic Unit (formerly Betty Mansell Ward) (Level 3 Kenwood Wing). The Women's Diagnostic Unit is where Outpatient Hysteroscopy clinics, One Stop Gynae Oncology clinics, and Early Pregnancy Diagnostic Unit (EPDU) are located.
We provide the following services:
- Advice and Guidance (via eRS)
- Andrology
- Colposcopy
- Early Pregnancy Diagnostic Unit (EPDU)
- Endometriosis
- Fertility - including Intrauterine insemination (IUI) procedures
- General gynaecology
- Gynae-endocrine / Gynae – hormone clinic
- Gynae-oncology rapid access clinic
- Hysteroscopy
- Lower Urinary Tract Service (tertiary referrals only)
- Menopause
- Menorrhagia
- Pregnancy advice
- Urogynaecology
- Vulval
Lead manager
Gynaecology Clinical Lead: Miss Rhonda Flemming
Obstetric Clinical Lead: Miss Carolyn Paul
Obstetric Clinical Lead: Miss Carolyn Paul
Locations See on a map
Patient Leaflet
- Advice after excisional treatment of the cervix
- Colposcopy results
- Continence in the confused elderly
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Elective Caesarean Section during COVID-19 pandemic
- Ending of pregnancy from 14 to 24 weeks: what are my options?
- Excisional treatment for abnormal cells on the cervix (colposcopy clinic)
- Excisional treatment for abnormal cells on the cervix (day treatment centre)
- Faster Diagnosis Pathway for Gynaecology
- Funeral arrangements for your baby
- Going home: Our guide to postnatal care at home
- Human papilloma virus (HPV)
- Hysteroscopy (Outpatients)
- Imiquimod Treatment for Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VIN)
- Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
- Laser vaporisation in the day treatment centre
- Medical Management of Miscarriage
- Morning Sickness
- Optimal Cord Management
- Ovulation induction treatment using Letrozole - Information for patients
- Partner/Companion Staying Overnight- Antenatal and Postnatal Stay
- Patient initiated follow-up for women with endometrial cancer
- Perineal Protection - A patients guide
- Premature Ovarian Insufficiency
- Preparation for Birth
- Psycho-Educational Well-Being Workshop
- Punch Biopsy of the Vulva
- Reviewing your cervical screening history
- Tension free vaginal tape (TVT)
- Thermal Coagulation Treatment
- When your waters break before labour
- Womens Health Psychology Service
Patient Leaflet Other Language
- Colposcopy Results (Turkish)
- Ending of pregnancy from 14 to 24 weeks: what are my options? (Albanian)
- Ending of pregnancy from 14 to 24 weeks: what are my options? (Arabic)
- Ending of pregnancy from 14 to 24 weeks: what are my options? (Bengali)
- Ending of pregnancy from 14 to 24 weeks: what are my options? (French)
- Ending of pregnancy from 14 to 24 weeks: what are my options? (Greek)
- Ending of pregnancy from 14 to 24 weeks: what are my options? (Italian)
- Ending of pregnancy from 14 to 24 weeks: what are my options? (Polish)
- Ending of pregnancy from 14 to 24 weeks: what are my options? (Portuguese)
- Ending of pregnancy from 14 to 24 weeks: what are my options? (Romanian)
- Ending of pregnancy from 14 to 24 weeks: what are my options? (Somali)
- Ending of pregnancy from 14 to 24 weeks: what are my options? (Spanish)
- Ending of pregnancy from 14 to 24 weeks: what are my options? (Turkish)
- Excisional treatment for abnormal cells on the cervix (day treatment centre) (Turkish)
- Human Papilloma Virus (Turkish)
- Imiquimod Treatment for Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VIN) (Turkish)
- Induction of Labour (Turkish)
Key staff
Referral Forms
Last updated17 Jan 2025