Bright Start Health Visiting Services Islington
Please note that our main website can be found here. This is where you can find out full details about the service, access a range of helpful parenting information, as well as details about local groups and other services available for you and your family.
Bright Start Islington is the name for Islington services for all families with children under 5 years of age. The health visiting teams, as part of the wider Bright Start services, offer specific advice and support to enable every child and family to thrive.
Our vision is for all children to have the best start in life - to learn and develop physically, emotionally and socially to reach their unique full potential.
Bright Start Health Visiting works with families from pregnancy through to their child’s 5th birthday. During this time, parents can access the service for advice about typical health and developmental related queries about their child.
The service also welcomes parents to get in touch about their own health and wellbeing support needs. Typical areas of support that the service provides are:
- Supporting the transition to parenthood
- Developing healthy relationships with baby during pregnancy, the early years and beyond
- Infant feeding
- Keeping children healthy and managing minor illnesses
- Immunisations
- Child development
- Monitoring growth and managing healthy weigh
- Oral health
- Parental wellbeing and mental health
The service also guides families to find out what is available for them in their local area. The huge variety of groups, activities and services across Islington enables parents to meet with other families and find opportunities to play and enjoy time together with their child.
There are several key points when the Health Visiting Service will be in touch. You can expect to hear from them:
- Pregnancy - From 24 weeks and onwards
- New Birth Visit - 10-14 days after birth
- 6-8 week review
- 12-15 month developmental review
- 24-30 month developmental review
You can also contact them in between these times. If you know your Health Visiting Team, call the number given to you in your red book. If not, please call our duty line 020 3316 8008. The Health Visiting Team can be reached between Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.
Families are also welcome to attend the Child Health Clinics where they can speak with members of the Health Visiting Team about routine queries regarding the health, growth and development of their child. Find out where and when your local clinic takes place here.
To understand more about who the Bright Start Health Visiting Service are and what they do, take a look at this short video below. If you would like to watch the video in Albanian, Arabic, Czech, Polish, Russian, Somali, and Turkish, please follow this link.
An introduction to Health Visiting from Whittington Health NHS Trust on Vimeo.
How are we doing?
We’d love to hear about your experiences working together with our services, the following links will help you to do that.
Bright Start Islington
Islington Family Information Service
Last updated24 May 2024