Friends and Family Test
What is the NHS Friends and Family Test?
The NHS Friends and Family Test offers patients the chance to give feedback of our services at The Whittington Hospital.
The NHS Friends and Family Test offers patients the chance to give feedback of our services at The Whittington Hospital.
Patients in our adult inpatient wards, emergency department and maternity unit are asked whether they would recommend us to their friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment. This enables patients to give feedback on the quality of care they received and gives us a better undertanding of the needs of our patients and where we need to make improvements. Answers can not be traced back to anyone, so please tell us exactly what you think.
For maternity, the Friends and Family Test asks women up to four questions at three stages during their pregnancy, seeking feedback about antenatal services, the labour ward/ birthing unit or home birth services, the postnatal ward and the postnatal community services. The first results for October, November and December 2013 were published in January 2014.
Why is the test being used?
The feedback we receive ensures that the voices of our patients and their families are heard, putting people at the centre of our hospital and enabling them to help shape our services. The data acts as a catalyst to ask 'why'? Why have patients awarded us this score? This galvanizes improved, more patient-focused care at Whittington Health.
By publishing the data, we can be as transparent as possible about our services so patients can make an informed decision about where they want to be treated.
Does this replace the existing compliments or complaints procedure, or other forms of feedback used by Whittington Health?
No, we will continue to seek feedback via other forms of engagement with our patients, and their families and careers, and our complaints procedure has not changed. The Friends and Family Test data will be combined with other feedback to provide us with a full picture of what our patients think of our services.
You can still pass on your compliments, informal enquiries, complaints and be offered support through our other channels. Visit our Comments, Compliments, Concerns and Complaints page for more information.
How can I view the data?
The data is available on the NHS England website and the NHS Choices website where you can compare our results to other hospitals.
To fill in our feedback form, please follow the relevant link below:
- Community-based service (i.e. care provided at a Whittington Health service not based at Whittington Hospital)
- Inpatients
- Outpatients
- Emergency Department
- Paediatrics
- Paediatrics (specifically Ifor ward)
- Maternity: antenatal
- Maternity: Community- based postnatal (i.e. care provided at a Whittington Health service not based at Whittington Hospital)
- Maternity: Hospital-based labour and birth (care provided at Whittington Hospital)
- Maternity: Hospital- based postnatal (care provided at Whittington Hospital)
Last updated04 Oct 2024