Care of Older People Therapy Team
The Care of Older People Therapy Team are a dedicated team of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Therapy Support staff working across 3 wards – Cavell, Meyrick and Cloudesley - on the care of older people unit. Working closely with all members of the multi-disciplinary team, the therapy staffs provides comprehensive, holistic assessment for older adults to treat acute illness, injury or the effects of ageing/frailty.
This may include assessment and treatment to improve a person’s mobility and function in self-care tasks, their cognition or to address any social/environmental concerns that are identified during admission.
The therapy staff will work with the integrated discharge team and community providers from both health and social care to get people back to their own home environment when acute treatment is completed. The therapy staff will make recommendations and referrals to ensure people have the domiciliary care support, equipment and when required any follow on treatment, in place ensuring a safe and timely discharge.
Some people, including those with a neurological injury or impairment, will require more intensive or specialist rehabilitation before they can go home. The therapy staff will make the required assessments and recommendations and in conjunction with the integrated discharge service and other local providers work to identify the most suitable rehabilitation provider or unit to meet the persons specific needs.
Last updated01 Oct 2021