Patient Initiated Follow-Up (PIFU)
What is PIFU?
Patients who regularly receive treatment for a long-term or short-term condition or require a series of follow up appointments after hospital treatment, can now book their own follow-up appointments as and when required.
This is called ‘patient-initiated follow up’ or PIFU for short.
How does PIFU work?
The Healthcare professional responsible for your care needs will discuss with you and decide if you are suitable for a patient initiated follow up.
If you are suitable, it will as simple as you managing your own appointments within a given time frame. There will be no more waiting for appointments scheduled by the hospital - we care about you and your decisions so managing your appointments, we are helping to put you in control.

What are the benefits of PIFU?
PIFU puts you in control of your own appointments and means you saves you from attending a non-essential follow up appointment. It also helps our hospital to free up appointments, and reduce waiting times for people who need an appointment - especially people who need to be seen quickly.
Who is PIFU for?
PIFU is for patients with both longer-term conditions and self-manage and short-term conditions who only need limited support from the speciality service. Your healthcare professional will determine whether or not you are suitable for PIFU.
When not to use PIFU
PIFU is not a replacement for urgent medical advice or an emergency.
If you require urgent medical advice, contact your GP, NHS 111, or your local walk-in centre. In a medical emergency, go to your local Emergency Department (A&E). For all other concerns or if you are feeling unwell, contact your GP. They remain your first point of contact.
What if I have a special needs?
Please tell your hospital department or ask someone else to contact us if you have a special need.
We can offer information and communication in a format that you find easy to use and understand. For example, this could be large print if you have problems with your eyesight, you may need written communication and face to face appointments if you are hearing impaired, and easy read information if you have a learning disability.
Please tell us whether a virtual or face to face appointment will best meet your needs.
Give quick, anonymous feedback
You can give quick anonymous feedback about PIFU by following this link.
If you don’t want to take part in surveys, you can tell us by contacting your hospital department or by choosing to ‘opt out’ of the national programme that allows confidential information about you to be used for research and planning. Visit this website to learn more about this and to opt out.
If you don’t want to take part in surveys, you can tell us by contacting your hospital department or by choosing to ‘opt out’ of the national programme that allows confidential information about you to be used for research and planning. Visit this website to learn more about this and to opt out.
Last updated27 Feb 2024