Whittington Health welcomes its first Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship (RNDA) graduates.
16 Nov 2022
Anice Rodney and Yvonne Smith are Whittington Health NHS Trusts first Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship (RNDA) graduates.
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Anice Rodney and Yvonne Smith are Whittington Health NHS Trusts first Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship (RNDA) graduates.
Following successful Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) of their existing qualifications as assistant practitioners, Anice and Yvonne were seconded to undertake the two years top up nursing degree programme via the apprenticeship route with University of West London.
They started the programme in October 2020 after and undertook their work placements in various departments at Whittington Hospital, helping the duo gain experience in a variety of speciality areas.
“We went all over Whittington Hospital," says Yvonne.
"From colorectal, to breast screening, to the Emergency Department, everywhere.
“Understanding how all the departments fit together is just amazing and eye-opening.”
The women explained that while a lot of their learning took place in a classroom, practical placements at the Whittington were essential to putting theory to practice.
“The first time I was in Intensive Care, I was a bit scared,” admitted Anice.
“I had no idea what any of the machines there were for! But then with supervision and observation, I was able to understand what they all did.
“ITU is such a complex and unpredictable area but because of that, it was one of my favourite departments!"
Anice and Yvonne have since been offered positions as Registered Nurses with the Whittington District Nursing team.
“When we were back at university, the other students were all asking us, ‘have you got a job yet? Have you got a job yet?’ says Yvonne.
“When we both said yes they said, ‘you Whittington girls get the red carpet treatment there!”
You’ll also enjoy a competitive salary, one of the most generous pension schemes in the UK, and discounts at shops, restaurants and more. To find out more about working for Whittington Health, visit our Work With Us page.