Introducing the Mum & Baby app

Introducing the Mum & Baby app

09 Oct 2023

The new apps follows you on your pregnancy journey and beyond.

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From Friday 27 October, the Whittington Health maternity department will be phasing out use of the Essential Parenting app to transition to the Mum & Baby app, in line with the adoption of the Mum & Baby app throughout the North Central London Integrated Care System.
The Mum & Baby app provides up-to-date information about pregnancy, maternity, and the different maternity services offered across North Central London to support each stage of your pregnancy journey.
It is also allows you to record your details, appointments, and personalised care and support plans in the app, which can be shared with caregivers to enable joined-up care across the hospital and the community.
The app is currently in use at Whittington Health, and is free to download from the App Store or Google Play. If you would like more information about this change, please contact your midwifery team.

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