Children - How can I get help?

It can really help to talk about things. Lots of people say it makes them feel less on their own. If it would help you to talk about stammering then try one of these ideas.
It does seem a bit strange that no one mentions stammering. The reason for this now seems very old-fashioned: many parents were told that they should try to "ignore their child's stammering and it would go away", or that "if you draw attention to it, you might make it worse". This idea has unfortunately lasted for a long time, but it is very unhelpful.
All that happens as a result is that stammering becomes a sort of secret with everyone pretending that it is not really there at all. This must be very confusing and upsetting for a young child and later leads to many families not knowing how to talk about it.
If you have found this website on your own share it with your friends and family - it might help to break the ice and lead to you getting some proper help.

You could talk to a really good friend

You could talk to a really good friend
The chances are that this friend knows you stammer and would be really interested to know what happens. Why not discuss the website information and ideas?

Talk to your parents

Talk to your parents
Ask them to get some help for you. They can look at the parents' pages

Ask your teacher for help

Ask your teacher for help
There is a section for them on this website too click here. Many teachers really do want to help, but don't know what to do or how to discuss it with you.

Get in touch with a Speech and Language Therapist

Get in touch with a Speech and Language Therapist
Again, your parents or teacher can look through the website pages to find out how to go about this.
MPC - Children - How can I get help? - The British Stammering Association - image

Contact the British Stammering Association. They too have a website, as well as a helpline, leaflets and a magazine.

MPC - Children - How can I get help? - The Michael Palin Centre for Stammering - image
Contact us directly for further advice and support.
Last updated19 Jun 2019
Working on it!