Palin Parent Rating Scales (Palin PRS)

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What is the Palin PRS?

The Palin PRS is an online form completed by parents or guardians of children who stammer to provide ratings against the therapy sessions that their child has received at The Michael Palin Centre.
The ratings are made against nineteen statements using 0-10 scales and help provide The Michael Palin Centre and their therapists with an invaluable understanding of the parent/guardian perspective on their child’s stammer.

Who completes the Palin PRS?

The Palin PRS is completed by parents of children of any age who stammer. Mothers, fathers and guardians each make ratings against nineteen statements using 0-10 scales.

What does the Palin PRS do?

This provides parents' perspectives of:
  • 1. the impact of stammering on the child
  • 2. the severity of stammering and the impact of stammering on the parent
  • 3. their knowledge of stammering and confidence in managing it
The researcher/clinician will receive:
  • 1. an email notification that a mother/father/guardian has completed a questionnaire for a particular child
  • 2. a stanine score for each of the three Factors listed above
  • 3. a category score for each of the three Factors (from very high to very low)
  • 4. an option to retrieve more detail about the ratings for the individual items and/or scores over time
The Palin PRS can be completed before, during and after therapy to help:
  • 1. determine the extent of the stammering problem
  • 2. identify and prioritise targets for intervention
  • 3. evaluate progress and the effectiveness of therapy

Who can use the Palin PRS?

The Palin PRS is available for use by researchers and clinicians working with children who stammer.

How do I use the Palin PRS?

  • 1. Register yourself on the website at the following address
  • 2. Register each child. Each child will then be issued with an individual access code, usually consisting of your initials and work location, along with 5 digits that are randomly generated. You must keep a record of the children you register and each child's access code. This information cannot be retrieved if you lose it.
  • 3. Give the child's access code and the URL (below) to the parent(s), and they can then log in and complete the Palin PRS. They are only able to complete one each per day.


  • 4. The data will be analysed and sent to you by email. The email will tell you that the Palin PRS has been completed for a particular child. You will be told which parent completed it, on which date, alongside the scores for the 3 factors (the impact of stammering on the child; the severity of stammering and the impact of stammering on the parent; and the parent's knowledge of stammering and confidence in managing it).
  • 5. By logging into your account you can access more detail. You may view the scores for each statement and Factor over time, either in a numerical form or as a graph. If you have the data emailed to you, then you will receive it in a form that you can save into SPSS or Excel files.

Remember that you MUST retain all details about children and access codes in your own files.

What instructions should I give to parents/guardians?

The Palin PRS is very easy to complete and requires few instructions. It is worth reminding parents:
  • to log in to the Palin PRS click here and enter the child's access code and date of birth
  • to check each end of the scale so they are sure of the direction for each statement (in all cases, the higher the score, the more positively they view things)
  • that they will need to complete all of the statements
  • there are no right or wrong answers
  • if they are unsure, to make a judgment based on the last two weeks

Development of the Palin PRS

This measure was developed at the Michael Palin Centre using a Delphi approach. Parents of children who stammer were asked to list what they considered to be important outcomes for therapy. Parents then rated the statements according to how important it was that each was included and we incorporated only those that were rated most highly by the majority of respondents, i.e. those with greatest consensus. Some years later we gathered enough data to evaluate the validity and internal reliability of the scales, the component factors and the normative scores.
A paper detailing the methods and data is in preparation. If you require detail about the development and supporting data for the Palin PRS for research purposes, please contact Dr Sharon Millard.
We are deeply grateful to Steve Bennett at the London School of Economics for developing this on-line version and to Action for stammering Children who have allowed the Palin PRS to be made available free of charge.
We hope that you find it useful!
Last updated19 Jun 2019
Working on it!