News archive

Islington Youth Council elections to take place
15 September 2017
On 1st September, Islington council launched its campaign to elect Islington’s next set of youth councillors.

NHSGo - An app designed for young people by young people
08 September 2017
NHS Go has been launched over a year now and the Healthy London Partnership is continuing to work with young people to improve on what has already been a great success.

CYP Forum working to establish a new voice for healthcare decisions
08 September 2017
The Children and Young People team have created a dedicated forum to ensure that the voice of children and young people is being heard and making a difference to their health services.

Whittington Health Open Day 2017
08 September 2017
The Whittington hospital opens its doors on Saturday 16th September to showcase some of the amazing work that it does, both in the hospital and across its community services.

Whittington launches the first Pan London Hospital at Home forum
26 May 2017
On Tuesday 16th May the very first Pan London Hospital at Home (H@H) forum was launched by the Whittington Health.

ZEN comes to Archway (Zero Emissions Network)
26 May 2017
The Archway 'Zero Emissions Network' (ZEN) is working to make Archway a cleaner, healthier place to work and do business by improving local air quality, supporting active travel and reducing business energy and transport costs.

Welcome to our new-look Children and Young People’s (CYP) website
26 May 2017
The new site has been launched as part of our digital development programme to better engage and communicate with patients, parents and our service users.
Last updated07 Dec 2017