Islington Youth Council elections to take place

05 September 2017
CYP News - Islington Youth Council elections to take place - Top Image
On 1st September, Islington council launched its campaign to elect Islington’s next set of youth councillors.

The Youth Council is made up of 12 youth councillors who have been elected to serve a two year term in office. Youth councillors will also have the opportunity to become the Young Mayor or Deputy Young Mayor of Islington.
Young people aged 13-17 who live or go to school in the borough can apply to stand for election and will be involved in helping to make decisions about issues that affect them.
What does the youth council do?
The youth council was set up in 2011 to give young people a voice with the aim of working to:
  • represent the views of children and young people in Islington
  • help decide how money is spent on services for children and young people
  • share their views with the council and its partners on issues affecting children and young people
  • improve the range and quality of services for young people in Islington


The Youth Council is extremely keen for young people to apply to be a candidate in the forthcoming election to help working on a range of issues including:
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Crime and safety
  • Apprenticeships, careers advice and work experience
  • Free time opportunities for young people 
The closing date for applications is 1st October so make sure you get yours in ASAP.
For more information about the Islington Youth Council and how to apply click here
Last updated15 Sep 2017
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