
Islington Community CAMHS has a long history of close working with local schools, supporting staff to improve the emotional health of their students in order that they may make the most of their time in school.
Over the past few years we have been developing our CAMHS services in Islington to try make it easier for all children, young people and families who need CAMHS support, whatever their background, to get to us.
Islington Community CAMHS has a long history of close working with local schools, supporting staff to improve the emotional health of their students in order that they may make the most of their time in school.
Since 2011, CAMHS has been funded by Education (through Islington Schools’ Forum) to provide a service to all the 45 primary schools and 10 secondary schools across the borough, including Islington’s primary and secondary special schools. We now have named clinicians working in every one of those schools.

Aims of the service

  • To make it easier for children, young people and families to see someone from CAMHS by being available in their school
  • To provide training and support in emotional health and well-being to school staff
  • To help school staff to think about children and young people’s social, emotional and behavioural difficulties early on
  • To make it easier for CAMHS to work closely with people from other organisations, such as education, social services and voluntary organisations
Last updated25 Jun 2019
Working on it!