Referrals and Appointments

All referrals for community based care should be sent to the Whittington Health Central Booking Service. This administration office is based at the Whittington Hospital but deals with community referrals.
This department does not accept referrals for basic nail care without medical need. If nail care support is required, speak to Age UK who provide services within the borough.
You may self-refer to this service using our self-referral form or have a referral made by your health care professional. Please note all referrals for those aged 17 or younger must be made by a health care professional.
Community appointments
Should you be under the care of the podiatry team and have waited over your recommended wait time (as recommended by your podiatrist) you do not require a new referral. Please contact the Whittington Health Central Booking Team to let them know, and they can arrange an appointment for you.
Community referrals
Community referrals
For routine skin, nail concerns, nail surgery, biomechanics, community based wound care, please contact the Central Booking Service.
Tel: 020 3316 1111 / 020 3316 1600
For the attention of GPs
Referrals to the community based podiatry services can also be made via EMIS using the ‘GP podiatry referral form-Whittington’.
Referrals to the community based podiatry services can also be made via EMIS using the ‘GP podiatry referral form-Whittington’.
Wound care referrals / Urgent Podiatry referrals
Urgent Podiatry MDT outpatient referrals should contact the Whittington Hospital Podiatry Department based in clinic 3B. Please note only health care professionals can refer to this service. Please see full referral requirements and wound care referral pathway located ‘Information for GPs and Professionals'.
Tel: 020 7288 5695
Tel: 020 7288 5695
Patient advice and liaison service (PALS)
If you have a question, compliment, comment or concern please contact our PALS team on 020 7288 5551 or email
Last updated12 Dec 2023