Our clinics and how to contact us

In 2016 North Central London commissioned a new network model of TB specialist nurses, dedicated administrators, social care and TB outreach team hosted by Whittington Health.
The team operates out of the following centres:
- South Hub at Whittington Hospital (combined UCLH/Whittington service)
- North Middlesex
- Royal Free London - The Grove Clinic
- You may be referred to our service by your GP or other healthcare professional in which case you will receive an appointment
- If you suspect you or your child(ren) have either been in contact with or have symptoms of TB, you can attend one of our walk-in clinics. You do not need an appointment to attend walk-in clinics. Please check individual TB centre for the times of their walk-in clinics
- You can refer yourself directly to our service using the online forms (see each centre)
- You can choose to visit any of our centres, regardless of where you live or your immigration status
Last updated10 Feb 2020