Specialist Youth Offending Service (YOS)

Youth Offending Service (YOS)
The specialist school nurse is part of the wider multi-disciplinary team working with those young people who are known to the youth offending service.
The role is to support the holistic health assessment of the young person; liaise with partner agencies to ensure health appointments are accessed, referrals completed and the young person supported to engage fully. This includes delivering immunisations; liaising with social care; GPs and hospitals, following up attendances at accident and emergency departments; referring to dental care and specialist services such as sexual health, weight management and speech and language therapy.
The role also delivers health education advice to individuals and groups covering topics such as smoking; drug use; contraception and sexual health.
Pupil Referral Units
The specialist school nurse works within the PRU to support the health and well being of those on the roll at both the primary and secondary settings.
The specialist school nurse meets all children and young people, completes a full holistic assessment on entry to the PRU and works with both families and the young people to support good health and well being. This work includes liaison with key partner agencies including social care, hospitals, CAMHs and GPs. The specialist nurse will also immunise in the school when the need is identified and facilitate referrals as required.
The specialist school nurse will also provide training to parents, young people and staff on the management of emergency medication and key health education topics such as smoking; healthy weight and puberty.
To contact the specialist YOS/PRU Nurse
Telephone : 020 3316 8021


Last updated10 Jun 2020
Working on it!