Infant Feeding and Relationship Building

HHVS - Infant Feeding and Relationship Building - Introduction
There are many ways we can give support with feeding and we’re here for antenatal women, parents-to-be, breastfeeding and bottle-feeding parents and partners and for families with children under four years.
From around 6 months of age, babies begin to show signs that they are ready to start solid foods and their digestive system is also ready. We can support you with introducing your baby to solid foods and below are services and resources to help you on your journey.

Breastfeeding Support

Throughout your breastfeeding journey there may be times where you need support and guidance. In Haringey we have a number of services to help that are free for all parents.
For Haringey services click here.  Some further helpful resources can be found below.

Responsive Breastfeeding

Responsive breastfeeding is about responding to your baby’s cues and not following a schedule or routine. Responsive breastfeeding recognises that feeds are not just for nutrition, but also provide comfort and reassurance for both mother and baby.

Responsive Bottle Feeding

Responsive bottle feeding is about supporting you to tune in to your baby’s feeding cues by holding them close during their feeds, offering the bottle in response to feeding cues and pacing the feeds.

Tips for Feeding out and about

You are welcome to feed your baby at all Whitttington Health premises and local children’s centres.  See resources below for tips on feeding out and about:

Safer sleep

Please see the following links for information about how to make sure your baby sleeps safely:

Baby brain development

In pregnancy and the early years of life your baby’s brain is growing very quickly. There are many things you can do to help them to grow and make them feel safe and secure.

Healthy Start

If you’re pregnant, have a baby under 1 or have children under 4 years you can get free multivitamins – find out more here

Introduction to Solids

From around 6 months of age babies begin to show signs that they are ready to start solid foods, their digestive system is also ready.
Please join us for a virtual Starting Solids Workshop, which provides an overview of introducing your baby to solid food. We offer the workshop when your baby is around 5 months old, as this is a time when you may be thinking about getting ready to start introducing solids at 6 months.
To book a place on the workshop or to speak to a Health Visitor for support with further information on introducing your baby to solid foods, please contact your local team. Below are some links you may also find useful.


The HENRY Healthy Families: Right from the Start programme is running locally.
Research shows that the key ingredients to ensuring babies and young children have a healthy start in life are:
  • Parenting confidence
  • Physical activity for little ones
  • What children and families eat
  • Family lifestyle habits
  • Enjoying life as a family

The programme covers these 5 themes across 8 weeks and provides everything you need to help get your little one off to a great start.
If you feel your family would benefit from attending the HENRY programme, please speak to your Health Visiting team for further information.

Last updated19 Nov 2024
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