How we support and invest in you

Newly qualified AHPs, return to practice AHPs and international AHPs who have successfully joined the HCPC register are eligible for our Preceptorship programme.
We are proud to have been granted the Capital AHP Preceptorship Quality Mark Award for our 12-month programme. It is longer than that offered by many Trusts and helps you strengthen your clinical skills and grow in confidence.
Your Preceptor oversees your development and gives you personalised support in clinical and practical areas. The Trust supports development through study days and clinical skills training and simulation training, arming you with the skills you need to start your career the right way.
Find out more about our preceptorship programme in this video:
AHP Leadership Fellowship
The AHP Leadership Fellowship is open to AHP colleagues working at a Band 6 or 7 and is a great opportunity for AHPs to develop professional skills and understanding of communication, project management and Quality Improvement (QI) to further their careers.
Participants in the programme will be supported throughout with a coach, study days and action learning sets. Last year’s cohort saw people like Alisa working towards furthering her leadership skills to support her interest in quality improvement, and Monica who wanted to develop her leadership skills to help improve her department’s services for patient and staff.
With AHPs making up 20% of the workforce, it is important that we see this representation in our leadership.
As our Chief Nurse, Sarah Wilding, says, “it is vital that we support our AHP community with the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to continue to develop, learn and grow and to thrive in their careers. I am sure we will be growing future clinical leaders here, who will continue to provide the highest quality care to the patients and families we care for.”
Training and Development
Here at the Whittington, we offer multiple course and opportunities for you to work on and develop new skills to aid you in both your personal and professional development. Some examples of these workshops include:
- Building Inclusive and Compassionate Culture
- Communicating Effectively
- Coaching Skills
- Giving and Receiving Feedback
- Introduction to Finance
- Leading Change (Change Management)
- Resilient People in Compassionate Organisations
- Situational Leadership
- Workplace Conflict
- Impacts of Racial Discrimination and Inequality
- Health and Safety Training
- Fire Safety Courses
- Clinical Audit Workshops
- Resuscitation Training
Reviews / Appraisals
You will have reviews at 3 and at 6 months. At 12 months you will have a full appraisal where we’ll evaluate your progress, recognise achievements, focus on areas for improvement and give tools and advice to help you. There are also chances for regular progress checks in between these milestones.
Return to Practice
If you are an AHP who is looking to return to working within your profession, why not do it at Whittington Health? Here we will support you to meet the HCPC requirements to become re-registered and carry out the required amount of updating whether that be solely through supervised practice or a combination of different means.
HCPC Guidelines state that if you have not practiced within your profession for the past two years than you will need to complete a period of updating, the length of which is dependent on how long it has been since you last practiced. The updating can consist of supervised practice or a combination of supervised practice, formal study and private study.
You can find out more about returning to your AHP practice on the HCPC's website by clicking here.
Interested in becoming an HCPC registered professional and would like to be paid to study and receive more hands-on training? Consider the apprenticeship route. Apprenticeships are now available in a variety of different professions including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and radiography.
Here at Whittington Health, we have been supporting apprentices in clinical settings for the last few years and are always keen to support the growth and development of others. If you would like to learn more about AHP apprenticeships, click here.
International Recruitment
The NHS is the largest single employer in the UK employing over 5% of the UK’s working population. We are proud that our workforce is as diverse as the patients we see and treat every day. The NHS has always benefited from the talent, expertise, commitment, and compassion brought by the overseas recruits and healthcare professionals that come to work here.
- Click here to find out more about joining the NHS as an overseas health professional.
- Click here for more specific information on joining the NHS as an overseas AHP.
Last updated04 Sep 2023