What is haematuria?
This means that there is blood in your urine. Sometimes it can be seen and other times it can only be detected using a special dip stick.
It shows that there is bleeding from somewhere in the urinary tract. Sometimes pain is associated with the haematuria. Sometimes there are problems with passing urine
What is the cause?
It may be one of the following causes:
- infection in the urinary tract
- enlarged prostate (men)
- kidney stones
- more rarely, kidney, bladder or prostate cancer
What tests are needed?
Following an examination by the doctor, one or more of the following tests may be needed:
- A urine specimen, usually a mid-stream specimen, (see leaflet) to see if there is an infection present or unusual tissue cells. This test can be done while you are in the clinic.
- An ultrasound - This is a painless way of obtaining a picture of the kidneys without using x-rays.
- An IVU - This is an x-ray of the urinary tract using a dye injected into a vein.
- A cystoscopy - A telescopic examination of the bladder.
What treatment?
The treatment will depend on what is found to be causing your problem.
The doctor will discuss the results of your tests with you and the options for treatment.
Last updated21 Apr 2008