How to get help for a child at the Michael Palin Centre

Thanks to funding from the charity Action for Stammering Children, any pupil who stammers in the UK may be referred to the Michael Palin Centre for an assessment. If you would like to refer a pupil to the Centre, please discuss with the parents first to obtain their consent. Then you or the parents can use our online referral form to refer the pupil. If your school has a speech and language therapy service, you can discuss making a referral with the therapist.
The Centre also has a charitably-funded helpline which you can call for specialist advice about a pupil who stammers. Telephone 020 3316 8100 (office hours or leave a voicemail) or email using the contact form on this website.
The Centre also has a charitably-funded helpline which you can call for specialist advice about a pupil who stammers. Telephone 020 3316 8100 (office hours or leave a voicemail) or email using the contact form on this website.
Last updated14 Sep 2020