Useful Resources

In healthcare, we use the word transition to describe the process of preparing, planning and moving from children’s to adult services.
We understand that for your patients, moving away from a team of doctors and nurses that they have been with for many years can be scary but hopefully, by getting involved in the transition process, you can feel more confident and happier about the move. To support you with this process Whittington Health have implemented the Ready Steady Go transition programme. Please discuss with your Clinical Nurse Specialist how this programme can support you in planning for moving in to adult health care.
Useful links
Advice leaflets
Alternative Languages
The 'Ready, Steady, Go' website has access to alternative language options if English is not your first language.
At present we do not have ready made alternative languages for the other documentation, but if you need support or interpretation, please contact Whittington PALS / Interpreting Services. This leaflet can be viewed in other languages via the blue icons on the side of this page.
Information for parents
Find more information on Transition to adult services: A guide for parents - Together for Short Lives.
Who to contact if you have any questions
If you have any questions regarding moving forward to adult services (Health Transition), please email
Last updated13 Sep 2024