Safeguarding Children and Young People

Protecting children and young people in Haringey, Islington, Hackney and Camden

Welcome to Whittington Health NHS Trust’s Safeguarding Children and Young People Pages.
Here you will be able find:
  • what to do if you are worried about the safety of a child or young person
  • who and where to contact our safeguarding children team members
  • what training is available; our policies and guidance for effective safeguarding practice

Why Safeguard?

  • All children and young people have a right to live their life and grow and develop in a safe and secure environment
  • We are committed to providing care that ensures the best health and wellbeing possible for every child and young person that we work with
  • The Children Act 1989 and 2004 places a duty on us all to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people, and to protect them from significant harm
  • If any of us has any concern about the safety or wellbeing of any child or young person, then we must share relevant information with the relevant parties and act to ensure that everything possible is done to protect that child or young person
  • We believe that it is usually in the best interest of any child or young person for us to work in partnership with that child, their parents and family, and other agencies or staff providing care or support

Who are we?

A team of senior nurses  and child protection advisors with specialist training in safeguarding children and young people. We are supported by our expert team of administrators and ICSU senior managers.

The leads for each team are shown in the "Key Staff" section.
We work with a team of specialist safeguarding doctors whose details are located in the contact lists.
What do we do?
  • We provide safeguarding advice, support, guidance, supervision and training to all staff across the Trust
  • We work with other agencies who are also working to safeguard children, including social workers, police officers, teachers, and other health providers
  • We help co-ordinate care delivery in complex situations where there have been concerns about the safety of a child
  • We lead on the review of care in specific situations

How can you contact us?
Use the navigation bars to select the borough or site where you work or where the child lives to find full details of our teams.
Last updated05 Nov 2024
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