See Me First

See ME First is a Whittington Health staff-led initiative to promote Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion; our tool to engage with staff and promote togetherness. It says that Whittington Health is an open, non-judgemental NHS organisation that treats all Black and minority ethnic (BME) staff with dignity and respect.
The initiative was launched in October 2020 and forms part of our commitment to having zero tolerance for any form of discrimination, and that staff subjected to such behaviour are supported to speak up and challenge this behaviour safely.
Beverleigh, Delia and Paul, the founders of the See ME First project, started with the aim to drive real change in our organisation's culture and increase the visibility of race equality issues throughout Whittington Health. Since the launch, the initiative has seen a vast uptake — currently, over 2,000 Whittington Health staff have pledged their support to contribute to a more inclusive and fairer organisation.
The initiative has been included in the NHS five-year National race equality strategy; their research suggests that patient experience and outcomes are linked to staff experience. We are an organisation made up of a plethora of nationalities, and we serve a diverse population of patients— we want to improve for our patients and staff continually.
Email address:
Follow us on Twitter @See_ME_First
Follow us on Twitter @See_ME_First

Many other organisations have already signed up to the initiative. Could yours be next? Contact us if you would like any further information.
List of See Me First initiative partners:
- Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust
- Royal Brompton and Harefield Clinical Group
- North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group
- Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
- London Ambulance Service NHS Trust
- Birmingham and Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust
- University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
- The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Foundation Trust
- NHS England and Improvement - Improvement Directorate
- Royal Free NHS Trust
- Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust
- East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
- Derbyshire NHS Trust
- Barts Health NHS Trust
If you see someone wearing the See ME First badge/lanyard
Many Whittington Health staff now wear a See ME First badge or lanyard. Please feel free to ask them why they have chosen to wear it.
Everyone who wears the See ME First badge has made a pledge that says:
- they are sending a message that they belong to an open, non-judgemental, and inclusive organisation that treats all Black and minority ethnic people with dignity and respect.
- they are symbolising that they uphold the values of listening and speaking up
- they are reminded that 'people should not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character' — Dr Martin Luther King Jr - I Have a Dream, 28 August 1963.
See ME First - Stronger Together
Last updated06 Mar 2024