Dementia services and resources
There are many services provided by the NHS, voluntary sector and charity sector that support people with dementia and their families.
Below are suggestions for local and national resources that may be helpful in providing information, advice or support.
Local services
Blue badge parking permit
The blue badge scheme is for people with severe mobility problems. It allows blue badge holders to park close to where they need to go.
Carers emergency card
The carers emergency card is a scheme for carers who are worried about what would happen in the event of a carer emergency. The carers emergency card lists the details of people who can provide care in an emergency. Registration allows emergency care arrangements to be activated if the carer is taken ill or involved in an accident.
Community alarm service
Emergency community alarm services provide reassurance and peace of mind for people who feel at risk in their own homes. In the event of an emergency the alarm enables contact with a control centre quickly and easily. It operates 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Community occupational therapy service
The community occupational therapy service carry out practical assessments of people’s ability to carry out normal activities of daily living. This includes personal care, household tasks, ability to care and be cared for and to live safely in their own home. Following assessment the occupational therapist will give advice, arrange equipment or recommend alterations to the home. This may include providing assistive technology equipment that helps people remain independent in their own homes.
Continence advice
The continence service provides comprehensive assessment, advice, treatment and review of bladder and bowel dysfunction. Continence aids including pads can be supplied, if appropriate, following an assessment of the person’s needs.
Information for Islington residents
Islington bladder and bowel service
Monday to Friday 9.30am - 5pm
020 3316 8401
Delivery of products: If you have a delivery question or wish to activate your delivery, contact NHS Supply Chain directly on 020 3316 8400
Information for Haringey residents
Haringey bladder and bowel service
Monday to Friday 9.30 - 11.30am and 2 - 4pm
020 3074 2806
Delivery of products: If you have a delivery question or wish to activate your delivery, contact SCA directly on 0845 741 3643
Dial-a-Ride provides a free, door-to-door transport service for people with mobility problems.
0343 222 7777
NHS wheelchair service
The NHS wheelchair service provides appropriate mobility equipment for people with a long-term disability and who have difficulty in walking. They provide a comprehensive assessment and help you choose a wheelchair (manual or powered) that meets your needs, plus extras like cushions, arm rests or trays.
Information for Islington residents
Information for Haringey residents
Information for Islington residents
Information for Haringey residents
Older people's mental health team
The older people’s mental health team consists of specialists in psychiatry, nursing, occupational therapy, psychology and social work. The multi-disciplinary team provide assessment and treatment for people over 65 years of age with mental health needs. Access to the older person’s mental health team is usually through referral from a GP.
Social services
Social services offer help, advice and information on accessing community care services. This includes providing assessments to people with social care needs and arranging care services.
Taxi card
The taxi card scheme provides subsidised door-to-door transport in taxis for people with serious mobility or visual impairment and who have difficulty in using public transport.
Information for Islington residents
Information for Haringey residents
Information for Islington residents
Information for Haringey residents
National services
Action on Elder Abuse
Action on Elder Abuse works to protect and prevent the abuse of vulnerable older adults. They offer advice and support to vulnerable older adults who may be experiencing, or be at risk of abuse.
0808 808 8141
0808 808 8141
Admiral Nursing DIRECT
Admiral Nursing DIRECT is a national telephone helpline provided by experienced Admiral nurses and supported by the charity Dementia UK. It offers practical advice and emotional support to people affected by dementia. The helpline is open Tuesday and Thursday 11am - 8.45pm and Saturday 10am - 1pm.
0845 257 9406
Age UK
Age UK provides information, advice and advocacy services for everything from health to housing. Local Age UK organisations provide a wide range of services, products and training aimed at promoting healthy ageing and wellbeing, reducing loneliness and isolation and helping older people to remain independent in their own homes. The helpline is open 8am - 7pm.
0800 169 6565
0800 169 6565
Alzheimer's Society
The Alzheimer's Society national dementia helpline can provide information, support, guidance and signposting to other helpful organisations. Their website provides access to many useful factsheets which offer advice and information about different aspects of caring for someone with dementia. The helpline is open Monday to Friday 8.30am- 6.30pm.
0845 300 0336
Carers UK
Carer’s UK can provide information, advice, support, guidance to carers, as well as signposting to other helpful organisations.
0808 808 777
0808 808 777
Disability benefits helpline
The disability benefits helpline provides advice and information for disabled people and carers on the range of benefits available.
0845 712 3456
0845 712 3456
Text phone 0845 722 4433
Disability Rights UK
Disability Rights UK is a campaigning organisation and provides practical information, advice and help for people with a disability. This includes their national key scheme which offers independent access to disabled toilets for disabled people around the country.
Independent Age
Independent Age is the national charity working with older people, their families and carers to get the best available care and support. Independent Age can advise on a range of community care issues including finding and paying for care, welfare benefits and hospital discharge.
0845 262 1863
The Princess Royal Trust
The Princess Royal Trust provides information, advice, discussion and support for carers (including younger carers) and professionals. Their website provides access to information about their nationwide network of carers centres.
0844 800 4361
Wiltshire Farm Foods
Wiltshire Farm Foods supply frozen ready meals and desserts. Home delivery is free of charge by friendly and reliable drivers who will assist with unpacking the meals if needed.
0800 773 773
Last updated17 Dec 2015
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