Wellbeing Room

The Mike Clift Wellbeing Room is available to all our library members including staff from Whittington Health, North London Foundation Trust (Camden and Islington staff), North Central London ICB and primary care staff, and students on clinical placement.
Our aim is to provide a quiet space for reflection and rest, away from the demands of the workplace or classroom. The room also houses our collection of mood-boosting and wellbeing books.
The room is open for drop-ins between 9am -7pm Monday - Thursday with the opportunity to be booked between the hours of 9am -10:30am and 5-7pm for wellbeing related purposes.
On Fridays it will be open 9am -5pm and can be booked between 9am -10:30am.
To make a booking contact the library team on 0207 288 3580 or whl@nhs.net
Mike Clift
The room is named in honour of our dear Whittington Health friend and colleague Mike Clift, a Paediatric Practice Development Nurse and avid Library user, who sadly died in 2018. This room will be a permanent reminder of his pioneering work in the field of compassionate care.
In the words of Michael’s brother Richard, “The Whittington was, I think, the place of work that Mike loved best” and we hope that this memorial to him, in a place that he loved, will be befitting to his memory.
Room Etiquette
This room is for mindfulness, reflection, reading, thinking and being quiet and safe. Anyone using it for other purposes, such as studying, eating or making phone calls will be asked to leave.
Last updated17 Dec 2024