Funding arrangements
Bariatric surgery is expensive. NHS England has funded these operations centrally since 2013 but this responsibility will transfer to Clinical Care Group (CCG) in 2016
Your CCG controls the local health budget and has to decide on the priorities for your community. Your CCG must agree to fund your treatment for your bariatric surgery to go ahead. We will request funding from your local CCG usually after completion of your pre-operative tests. Don’t worry about this, as there is no need for you to do anything. Most CCGs will fund your treatment if we can demonstrate that you satisfy the NICE 2006 guidelines and the newer funding guidelines issued by NHS England in 2013.
You must be aware however, that certain CCG s’ may set a limit on the number of operations for which they will fund each financial year. In these areas, you may have to wait an extended period before being allocated funding for your operation. For any funding queries, contact your CCG or your GP.