Frequently asked questions
Q: Will my band slip if I jump around?
A: No, The band is securely stitched at surgery so that it does not move with your movement.
Q: Will the staples rust?
A: No. They are purposefully designed to be used within peoples body’s and will not rust.
Q: Will the band adjustment hurt?
A: No. It is the same as having a blood test or injection.
Q: Will I get gallstones?
A: You may get gallstones after this surgery due to the rapid weight loss which follows. We do not take your gallbladder out at the time of surgery as a general rule unless you have been symptomatic prior to undergoing weight loss surgery.
Q: Will I set off the alarm at the airport security scanners?
A: No, the surgery will not affect the scanners
Q: I’m pregnant and I had my surgery 4 months ago, have I put my baby at risk?
A: This certainly is not ideal. Whilst you continue to lose weight, your nutrient intake may not be adequate for pregnancy. You are also likely to lose your window of opportunity with weight loss and not reach your weight loss goals. It is important that you arrange an appointment to see our specialist dietitian immediately so that she can fully support you throughout this journey.
Q: I have not lost any weight for the past 3 weeks, why is this?
A: You have encountered a plateau. This is incredibly normal during the weight loss period. Try not to become discouraged, it will eventually subside and weight loss resume. It is useful however to review your dietary intake and activity levels in order to optimise these.
Q: I’m too busy to exercise and I can’t afford the gym, what can I do?
A: Even small changes to your activity levels built into your daily routine will help. This might include walking or cycling to work or parking further away, using the stairs, walking across the office rather than emailing, changing the channel on the television rather than using a remote, gardening, domestic chores, or an exercise DVD or Wii Fit at home. You could also try researching local walking or exercise groups on your Borough’s website.
Q: My mum had a band and she lost 12 stone, I think that’s the one I’ll have. What do you think?
A: Choosing an operation based on someone else’s success is not encouraged. There is a myriad of reasons for choosing a specific operation which we will go through with you during your group education session and subsequent consultations in order to help you pick the right one for you.
Q: I’ve vomited a few times this week, should I be worried?
A: Vomiting intermittently after bariatric surgery is usually due to disordered eating behaviour such as eating too quickly, not chewing well enough, eating and drinking simultaneously, eating a non-tolerated texture or eating too much! Vomiting all the time after both eating and drinking can be a sign of a complication. In this situation, it is best to get in contact with us right away. If you are unable to reach us, immediate medical attention should be sought.
Q: I’m constipated and haven’t been to the toilet in 4 days. I’m really uncomfortable – what should I do?
A: First of all, ensure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily. Try and maximise the fibre in your diet using vegetables, wholegrains and fruits. Gentle exercise can also be helpful. If you have still not opened your bowels the next day, try lactulose (available from your pharmacy). Senna can be used alongside if required.
Q: My hair is falling out, is this normal?
A: Rapid weight loss is usually the culprit for thinning hair. It does not normally come out in clumps or give you bald patches, but significant thinning especially round the parting is completely normal. It is useful to continue attending your hospital appointments for regular blood tests as loss of hair can sometimes be a seen of a nutritional deficiency for which we can provide treatment.
Q: I’m following the liver reduction diet, can I swap one of my protein portions for a carbohydrate?
A: No, it is important that the total number of portions for each group is maintained. You are free however, to have them when you wish through the day as long as you do not exceed the total portions.
Q: My calcium makes me feel nauseated – can I stop taking it?
A: One problem with significant weight loss is a reduction in bone mass. Absorption of calcium is also interfered with after a gastric bypass. This can result in metabolic bone disease later on. For these reasons, it is important to continue taking your calcium tablets lifelong. The good news is that there are many different types. What you should do is talk to your GP about trying a different supplement to see if another one suits you better.