Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia

Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia

Main Address

  • Whittington Hospital
    Department of Haematology
    Level 5, Diagnostic Block
  • 020 7288 5437 / 5144
The Whittington has a long history of providing holistic care for people with thalassaemia and sickle cell. For more than 20 years we have embraced the principle of managing our patients within a multidisciplinary team comprising of hospital and community professionals.

We treat the largest number of people with thalassaemia in the country and already work with many hospitals. We can also help you to meet the national standards that exist already and those that are being developed to improve the care of
children and adults with thalassaemia or sickle cell.

Range of services

  • Clinical Sickle cell disorders e.g. haemoglobin S/S; Haemoglobin S/C
  • Alpha, beta Thalassaemia, including paediatric patients
The Red Cell Community Service is a new service that provide specialist nursing care and support for patients with sickle cell, thalassaemia, and rare inherited anaemias in their own homes with close links to primary, specialist, social and community care. You can find out about the Red Cell Community Service and team here
For out-of-hours emergencies the Switchboard has our oncall rota. A registrar may be first on-call but we recognise that you will be calling for consultant advice so please ask them to put you through to the covering consultant.
Last updated31 May 2024
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