District Nursing

Main Address
- Whittington Health
- 020 7288 3555 ( 24 hour message taking service)
The District Nursing Service work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Our district nursing service provides 24-hour expert care to housebound adults over the age of 16 across Haringey and Islington.
Patients who use our service are individually assessed so that a tailored visiting plan can be developed to meet their specific needs. As part of this plan we actively promote and support patients and carers to take responsibility for managing their own care, which helps to reduce unplanned admissions to hospital.
We work closely with our health and social care colleagues - including carers, GPs, practice nurses, care homes, clinical nurse specialists, palliative care, hospices, social workers, dietitians, physiotherapists and occupational therapists - to make sure our patients receive the right care in the right place.
Range of services
We offer a wide range of services to housebound patients including:
- Assessment and ordering of equipment to enable care in the home
- Bladder and continence assessment
- Blood tests
- Bowel care
- Catheter care including recatherisation
- Chemotherapy management
- Complex wound assessment and management
- Continuing care assessments
- Controlled drug administration
- End of life care
- Healthy living advice
- IV antibiotics
- Leg ulcer clinics
- Long-term condition management
- Lymphoedema management
- Medication management
- Mental capacity assessments
- Nutritional advice
- PEG care
- Pleurex drainage
- Pressure area care
- Pressure ulcer management
- Self management support
- Support for carers and family
- Symptom control
- Vacuum pump dressings
- Vitamin B12 injections
- Wound care - ambulatory catheter clinics
How can we help patients and carers?
Client Group
To be eligible for district nursing care, patients need to be aged 16 year and over and housebound (that is they are unable to travel to their GP practice for nursing care).
Telephone the District Nursing Message Taking Service on 020 7288 3555 (24 hours).
Further Information
The District Nursing Messaging service telephone is answered by a member of the administration team who will establish basic details and pass the query to the District Nursing Team.
Leg Ulcer clinic contact details:
Islington Housebound Leg ulcer clinic: whh-tr.legulcerclinic@nhs.net
Bingfield primary care centre
8 Bingfield St, London N1 0AL -
Islington ambulatory leg ulcer clinic: Whh-tr.ambulatorylegulcerclinic@nhs.net
Goodinge group practice
20 North Road, Market Estate, London N7 9EW -
Haringey housebound leg ulcer clinic: whh-tr.DNTVclinic@nhs.net
Lordship lane primary care centre
239 Lordship Ln, London N17 6HZ -
Hornsey neighbourhood health centre
151 Park Rd, London N8 8JD
24 hours
How to Make a Referral
Healthcare professionals should complete the below District Nursing Service referral form.
All Referral Forms should be forwarded to the Central Booking Service:
Islington referrals - rapidaccess@islington.gov.uk
Haringey referrals - haringey.adult-referrals@nhs.net
Telephone - 020 3316 1600 or 020 3316 1111
Please note that the phlebotomists in the District Nursing Service in Haringey have their own referral form:
Out Of Hours Referrals should be made by contacting
District Nursing Message Taking Service on 020 7288 3555.
Last updated01 May 2024