Visiting our hospital

For the latest advice on what we are doing to keep everyone safe during this time, as well as our current visiting policy please check our COVID-19 information and advice page.
We encourage visiting and the involvement of carers while you are in hospital. There are many ways in which visitors can help patient care, such as help at mealtimes, and we will be happy to support visitors to do so if that is your wish.
There are, however, restrictions to visiting times to allow both rest and recovery, during mealtimes and for care and treatment to be carried out. In ward areas, for safety reasons, we ask that there should be no more than two visitors for each patient at any given time.
Please remember that other patients may be wishing to rest or sleep during visiting hours. We ask that visitors show consideration towards other patients during their visit to you.
Once visitors have left in the evening, the wards will be locked for patient safety. Some areas, such as the maternity department and children's areas will be locked at all times.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones give off signals which can interfere with medical equipment and harm patients. We therefore ask you and your visitors to switch off your mobile phones in some areas in the hospital.
In July 2005, the hospital went smoke-free. This means that smoking is NOT be permitted in or on any of hospital's grounds or premises by anyone including patients, staff and visitors.
Visiting Times
The reason for the restricted visiting times is to allow you and other patients to have enough rest and recovery and privacy, and to allow doctors and nurses to provide care and treatment to all patients at all times. We recognise that some people may need to visit outside these hours and this can be arranged with ward staff. Children are welcome but need to be escorted both within the ward and outside. On occasions visiting may be restricted by such things as infection risks to the child. The nurse in charge will inform you of this on arrival. All enquiries about the patient's condition should be referred to the nurse in charge. Arrangements can be made to see a member of the medical staff on request.
Protected Mealtimes
At the Whittington, we aim to provide mealtimes free from avoidable and unnecessary interruptions.
The wards are closed to visitors between 11:45am to 2pm for one hour. Please check with the individual ward for specific times.
Visitors who are attending specifically to help their friend/relative during meals may be permitted. Any other reasons to visit during protected mealtimes would need to be arranged with the Nurse in Charge.
The wards are closed to visitors between 11:45am to 2pm for one hour. Please check with the individual ward for specific times.
Visitors who are attending specifically to help their friend/relative during meals may be permitted. Any other reasons to visit during protected mealtimes would need to be arranged with the Nurse in Charge.
Visiting hours are between 2pm and 8.00pm. Visiting outside these hours can sometimes be arranged with the ward manager and medical team involved with the your care providing this does not effect the care of other patients.
Specific visiting details and contact numbers for each ward can be found under our 'Wards' section (please click here).
Specific visiting details and contact numbers for each ward can be found under our 'Wards' section (please click here).
Last updated11 Dec 2023