Information Requested

Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

Since 1st January 2005 the Freedom of Information Act 2000 has provided any enquirer with a statutory right of access to the information held by Whittington Health NHS Trust, subject to a number of exemptions.
Many of the requests we have received can be answered by information already available on our website or in our Publication Scheme, or can be provided as leaflets, reports and other documents in hard copy from the Publication Scheme Coordinator.
The Publication Scheme is a guide to what information has been produced and how it can be obtained.
This disclosure log contains information that has been requested and was not readily available via the Publication Scheme or website prior to the applicant's request.
Please note that it does not give access to everything that has been disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 as some responses consist of documents that are not held in electronic format.
Any information frequently requested will be added to the Trust's Publication Scheme/website.
Please find below links to disclosures arising from Freedom of Information requests:
Showing first 200 documents only...
Last updated12 Sep 2024
Working on it!